Saturday, August 31, 2013

How to Find Vulnerable Websites without Using Dorks

Salam Confused
This Sh0rt Guide wiLL Wh0w y0u h0w t0 Find VulnerabLe Websites with0ut Using Dorks

First 0f aLL Take A Visit 2 Da F0ll0wiNG Website
[Image: new.jpg] 
Check da b0x 4 de Vulnerability That U Want to search 4. IF U
want to check for SQLi then tick the box 4 SQLi nd Press da Spider

The nExt PaGe will sh0w U aLL oF de vulnerable Websites With De Keyw0rD UseD bEforE. UnDernEatH it wiLL Sh0w WhaT De VulnerabilitiezZz R. SiMplY CLick 0n "sh0w DetailzZz".

AFtEr ClickinG da "Show DetailzZz" Link, it wiLL ShOw De VulneraBLe URLzZ Which Can Then be ExPL0ited.


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